Wednesday, January 9, 2008

John McCain not for President

Wake up America! Wake up Conservatives! Those of you in the Conservative party, why would you vote for John McCain? Have you all forgotten his record, this is not about being negative, it's about being honest. I am also a Viet Nam era Vet, because he served his country honorably in the military does not negate the facts, nor should it. We need to elect the best person for this job, not best Veteran. If that were the case we nee Duncan Hunter.

John McCain along with his liberal Buddies in the Democrat party assaulted our constitution, we have all lost freedom of Speech thanks to his "Campaign Finance Reform bill," or the incumbent protection act.

Wake Up America look at the facts

He wanted the Z Visa, any illegal could be legalised if the background check did not come back in 48 hours.
The first assault on our constitution in 200 years

The following from the club for growth

Senator McCain voted against the Bush tax cuts, joining leading liberal senators in offering and voting for amendments designed to undermine the tax cuts. Senator McCain voted on 14 pro-tax amendments amendments in 2001 and 2003. These included such odious measures as:

  • An amendment sponsored by Senator John D. Rockefeller (D-WV) to prohibit a reduction in the top tax rate until Congress enacted legislation to provide a prescription drug benefit[10]
  • An amendment sponsored by Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) against full repeal of the Death Tax.[11] This vote is in keeping with Senator McCain's 2002 vote against repealing the Death Tax[12]
  • An amendment sponsored by Tom Daschle (D-SD) and co-sponsored by Senator McCain to limit tax reduction in the top tax bracket to one percentage point[13]

Finally, John McCain recently claimed that he has never voted for a tax increase, but his congressional record tells a different story. As Chairman of the Commerce Committee in 1998, he sponsored and voted for an enormous 282% tax increase on cigarettes. The good Senator defended the proposal as a "fee" rather than a tax increase.

McCain is a Liberal in Republican Clothing

Get past all the hype, lets get a true conservative in the white house, Mitt Romney is the only candidate with real world experience and is a proven leader the next would be Duncan Hunter, anyone but McCain!

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